Serving Memphis, Jonesboro, Little Rock & nearby in the Tri-State Area

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You need to fix your pool deck before someone gets hurt!

You need to fix your pool deck before someone gets hurt! - Image 1

Memorial Day is around the corner, with the start of summer hot on its heels! This means one thing: pool season. And let’s be honest, if you have a pool, you likely have a bunch of people just waiting for you to invite them over. Us included.

Let us help you throw the best pool parties this summer by eliminating any safety issues surrounding your concrete pool deck.

Here are just a few issues we can help eliminate by leveling the concrete around your pool:

  • ·         Everyone is starving and you dropped the plate with the brats and burgers fresh off the grill after your toe caught the edge of a concrete slab tilting up because one side is sinking.
  • ·         A toddler crying because they tripped over your broken concrete near the diving board. While embracing their crying child, the parents shoot you a dirty look.
  • ·         Your child chipping a tooth right after tripping over that same broken concrete patch. That won’t be cheap.
  • ·         Your mother-in-law taking a spill into the pool because you stepped on a crack in the concrete. (See what we did there?)

    Alright, so some of these are not the most common problems from an uneven concrete pool deck. But why have any problems at all? 

our service area

We serve the following areas

  • Bragg City
  • Campbell
  • Caruthersville
  • Clarkton
  • Hayti
  • Wardell
  • Holcomb
Our Locations:

Redeemers Group Inc.
3955 Whitebrook Dr
Memphis, TN 38118

Redeemers Group Inc.
14820 Ironton Rd
Little Rock, AR 72206
Service Area
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