Redeemers Group breaks top 20 in Supportworks dealer network
Not too long ago, we were ecstatic to break in to the Top 50 dealers in the Supportworks network. Fast forward to today, we are insanely excited to be sitting at number 18 in the network of dealers nationally and internationally. Being a part of this great network is incredible. Typically, as a small business tries to grow, there is a tremendous burden in the responsibility of making the business a success. Many leaders can lie in bed at night worrying about how it is all going to work. Now, it isn’t like those stresses do not exist simply because we are a part of the Supportworks network. There is a big HOWEVER though….
We believe that when ideas, lessons learned, and successes are shared across the network of dealers, the immense burden of responsibility can be lifted. It can be replaced by hope, vision, and dreams. And we see a world where small businesses become pillars in their communities, are a shining examples of what can be for other small businesses, and are paving the way for how homeowners experience contractors.
Just in the last 10 days, we have had team members participating in 3 different training's in Omaha, Nebraska where Supportworks is based: Accounting, Human Resources, and Warehouse Management training's. We are truly blessed to be able to lock arms with partners across the country to grow in our respective communities together.