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Love Well Initiative launches Safe Families project.



We are humbled that we are going to be able to take part is this project as part of our Love Well Initiative to love our community well.

In February, we will be doing extensive structural repairs to this home that is being rehabbed to become a Safe Families home. We feel led to do what we can to walk alongside Safe Families and lend our expertise to provide a safe living environment for these mothers. Starting in 2015, Redeemers Group laucnhed the Love Well Initiative with the hope that we would be able to impact many charitable organizations throughout Memphis, TN. One natural way for us to accomplish that is to help organizations that are experiencing the kinds of issues we address every day for home and business owners. A year ago we had the privlage to walk alongside The Old Path Homeless Shelter. This year, we have felt led to contrinute to a project that was already started that needed our help.

This video tells the story the best, but since publication of this video, it became apparent the property being rehabbed needed significant structural repairs. $20,000 in structural repairs to be exact. The team leading this project has already completed numerous repair projects at the expense of the house's owner, the church the owner attends, and donations that were made to the Safe Families project. In learning about the intended mission for this home, we wanted to throw in and contribute as well. In February, we will be completeing 2 days of structural repairs at no expense to the owner or Safe Families. This is the wor we do every day. We are the experts. The mission of Safe Families is the same as ours regardless of how it is stated: the love our city well. We want to be a part of that. We will continue to post updates as our portion of the project is underway!


The Safe Families story from their facebook page:

"Safe Families for Children™ (SFFC) is a national movement of compassion that gives hope to families in crisis.

Designed to extend and strengthen the community safety net for at-risk families, Safe Families for Children™ is a voluntary, non-coercive alternative to the state child welfare system. Without Safe Families, many of these children would succumb to abuse or neglect and end up in our state's child welfare system.

Safe Families provides parents in need with mentoring relationships and tangible support in times of crisis. Safe Families for Children believes children will be safe and well-cared for if families in crisis have a network of support. 

Volunteer families, prompted solely by compassion, build relationships with at-risk families and open their homes to children. This allows parents to have the time and space to work out their problems without having to worry about losing parental custody. Churches provide a vital role in our community of caregivers by offering support and resources to families."



See video referenced here. 

Follow Safe Families on Facebook here. 


About the author

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Rosie Graves
Rosie Graves joined the Redeemers Group, Inc. team in February 2012 in a marketing capacity. Since that time she has served in several different capacities of the business, and was named Chief Operating Officer in April 2019. As COO, she oversees all business operations working alongside the executive leadership team.

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