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Love Well Initiative Foundation Repair Charity Chosen!

Click here to learn about Love Well Initiative and the nomination process.


After a nomination process that included several area charitable organizations being submitted for consideration, the Redeemers Group management team selected The Old Path Homeless Shelter for Women and Children to be the recipient of the gift of this particular project. The issues that their building had lined perfectly with the services that Redeemers Group is able to provide. Tonia and Derrico Moment run The Old Path Homeless Shelter for Women and Children. We encourage you to find them on Facebook (The Old Path Ministries- TOP) to follow along with their story. We are excited to soon release video footage of the Moments finding out they had been selected for the project, hear them talk about their ministry, and hear their concerns about the safety of The Old Path building.

A little about what we found during our original inspection of the property:

In the basement we found a dirt and crumbled concrete floor, concrete and brick walls with holes all over, water leaking in from the outside everywhere you could see, a crawl space with all of the above named issues, and posts propped on cinder blocks being used to hold up the kitchen floor above. The stairs leading down the the basement required only 1 person at a time be on them and in order to use them, you would have to stay to one side of the stairs, step slowly so it wouldn't completely detach while you were on it, and step to a step ladder at the bottom to get off of them. The water leaking in had allowed mold to thrive. 

Stayed tuned for what our plan is to fix many of the problems that they are experiencing. 


From the outside/front side of the shelter:

The Old Path


Putting Love into Motion

Old Path Before photo


Old Path Before photo


Old Path Before photo

Old Path Before photo

Wood posts have been propped up on cinder blocks to support the weight of the kitchen above. 

Old Path Before photo

Old Path Before photo

Old Path Before photo

Old Path Before photo


Old Path Before photo


About the author

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Rosie Graves
Rosie Graves joined the Redeemers Group, Inc. team in February 2012 in a marketing capacity. Since that time she has served in several different capacities of the business, and was named Chief Operating Officer in April 2019. As COO, she oversees all business operations working alongside the executive leadership team.

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3955 Whitebrook Dr
Memphis, TN 38118

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14820 Ironton Rd
Little Rock, AR 72206
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