A foundation problem nevers gets better on its own- only worse and as it does, it's going to cost more to fix.
Who wants to buy a house with a foundation problem? Nobody...
Foundation problems often cause ugly cracks not only in the foundation itself, but inside the home as well.
As your foundation fails to hold the house where it should be, your house bends and twists- this causes doors and windows to stick and jam, giving you fits.
Sometimes you can lose use of space because of foundation failure, and that's not what you paid for when you bought your home.
It's unusual, but foundations collapsing, chunks of brick veneer falling off the house, and other serious safety hazards can and have happened.
Insects and rodents can get into your home through cracks in your foundation, becoming uninvited house guests...
Excerpt from: Foundation Repair Science. David Thrasher, Amanda Herrington, Larry Janesky* We send this book out for free to each client we book to come see that has a foundation related issue.
We will also come diagnose your foundation repair problem in the greater Memphis, TN area, and leave you with a recommendation on how to address the problems. Call us today to set an appointment.