Riddle Me This...
Every morning, our receptionist Courtney sends the team a riddle. “It’s a good way to get your mind working in the morning.” Our team has a great time thinking (and arguing) over these riddles. We’ve listed some of our favorite riddles…
1. A plane crash killed every single person. Who survived?
2. What is brown, has a head, tail, and has no legs?
3. What is it when you take away the whole but still have some left over?
4. People buy me to eat but never eat me, what am I?
5. I rest below the star above you and I, a few stories below me is an empty space what am I?
6. A boy fell from a 15- ft ladder…why wasn’t he harmed?
7. I sit in the corner while traveling all around the world.
8. What gets wet while drying?
9. When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?
10. If you multiply each number on the telephone, what will you get?
Check back in a few days for the answers...